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All Other Animal Production General Farms, Primarily Livestock and Animal Specialties. Broilers and Other Meat Type Chicken Production. Fur-Bearing Animal and Rabbit Production. Horse and Other Equine Production. Crop Harvesting, Primarily by Machine. Crop Planting, Cultivating, and Protecting. Crop Preparation Services For Market. Farm Labor Contractors and Crew Leaders.
Executive, legislative, and general government. Executive and Legislative Offices, Combined. Executive, legislative, and general government. Executive and Legislative Offices, Combined.
Water, Sewer, and Pipeline Construction. Commercial and Institutional Building Construction. Manufacturing and Industrial Building Construction. Water, Sewer, and Pipeline Construction. Commercial and Institutional Building Construction.
Audio and Video Equipment Manufacturing. Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional Electric Lighting Fixtures. Electric Lamp Bulb and Part Manufacturing. Electrical Equipment for Internal Combustion Engines. Electrical Machinery, Equipment and Supplies. Electronic Coils, Transformers, and Other Inductors. Household Refrigerators and Home and Farm Freezers.
Museums, art galleries, botanical and zoological gardens. Museums, art galleries, botanical and zoological gardens.
Using Concealed Defense Strategies in Basketball. Are We Running Out of Trails to Ride our Atvs? The Basics for Volleyball Coaching. How to Handicap Winning Football Picks. Marathon Preparation Tips How to Prepare for A Marathon. Mens Triathlon Offseason Workout Tips. Plan a Walking Marathon - How You Can Train for a Walking Marathon. A Marathon Achievement - Or Physical And Mental Hell? Triathlon - Basic Equipment Required. Ankle Pain for Runners and Triathletes.
2015년 상반기 성범죄자 취업제한제도 관련 점검 자료 제출안. 유행성 눈병 감염 예방 주의 당부. 2015년 6월 몸튼튼키쑥쑥 건강정보 알리미 자료. 2015년 5월 몸튼튼키쑥쑥 건강정보 알리미 자료. 2015년 4월 몸튼튼키쑥쑥 건강정보 알리미 자료. 2015년 3월 몸튼튼키쑥쑥 건강정보 알리미 자료. 약국 이전개설 가능 여부 질의. 달성군민의 건강을 보호하기 위한 공간! 건강신문고는 수인성전염병 및 집단식중독 발생시 신속한 대응을 통해 군민의 건강을 보호하기 위한 공간입니다. 이 콘텐츠를 보려면 Flash Player. 대구광역시 달성군 현풍면 비슬로130길 17 TEL 053-668-3101.
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